Online Conversations
Below are recordings of online conversations in which I have been interviewed about the Listening Space and Coming to Calm approaches.
In this 20-minute video, Nicholas Pole (author of Words That Touch) and I demonstrate how mind and body can communicate with each other through metaphors, using the mindful inquiry process of ‘Clean Language’.​

Interview with coach, trainer and bodyworker, Lucas Forstmeyer:
Interview with coach, trainer and facilitator Rob Schwartz:
Happiness Reset Campaign with Klaudia Mitura: episodes 29, 33 and 39
Interview for the Somerset Emotional Wellbeing podcast
Interview with Klaudia Mitra for the Reflection and Happiness Podcast
Interview for Wirral Wave Radio
Interview for Living Your Intentions

I just love the simplicity of the Listening Space and Coming to Calm approaches. They have created such powerful changes for me.
JP - solicitor